General contractor
Tenant build-out
Demolition, new dry wall, paint and carpet
Owner representative/ real estate broker for acquisition of development site Represented client in site selection and acquisition as real estate broker
Owner representation/ site preparation
Environmental clean up
Phase 1 & Phase 2 Asbestos removal Negotiations
Volvo Northfield/ Infinity Glencoe/ Mini Cooper
Chicago/ Land Rover Northfield (Illinois)
Replaced metal halide fixtures with GE LED & CREE energy efficient fixtures
Reduced I ,OOO watt fixtures to 280 watts
Lowered energy cost/ maintenance
Delivered utility incentive rebates over $150K & 10 year manufacturer warranties
Home of Mr. & Mrs. Fine, MD.
General Contractor : Home Remodel
Chicago, Illinois
Specified and installed security system
Specified epoxy floor system/ installed
Painted interior & plantation shutters
Installed carpeting & stained wood floors
Peoria, Illinois
Performed Comprehensive energy audit of the entire facility and mechanicals in collaboration with SEDAC Smart Energy Design Assistance Center.
Specified and supplied 1300 fixtures and obtaining 26K of utility incentives through the Ameren@ Act on Energy Program
Illinois Veterans Home
Quincy, Illinois
Supplied lighting fixtures
Illinois Tollway
Supplied exit signs
Illinois Department of Transportation
Installed new Maintenance sink in facility